1974 AD is back with the album ‘Hazaar Sapana’

After 6 years gap 1974 AD is back with New album ‘Hazaar Sapana’.


Keeping the legendary feel of the band alive alongside expanding its musical horizons, 1974AD #thenewlineup finally releases its first studio album. This is the 9th studio album features 8 tracks, including lyrics written by Anup Pahari, who contributed the title track, Sanjay Shrestha, Jacko Wacko, Rohit John Chettri and Phiroj Shyangden.


Prajjwal Mukhiya, vocalist & keyboard player, says that “This album captures the legendary feel of the band while also taking the music to new heights”. Other new members are Rohit John Chettri (vocals & guitar), who wrote a number of tunes on the new album, Jacko Wacko (trumpet) and Pratick Baniya (trombone).

The title track, Hazaar Sapana, is a beautiful ballad in true 1974AD style about the dreams that drive all of us and how some are fulfilled and others broken. Those who crave the epic rock ballads that have made the band famous will not be disappointed. There are also some catchy folk tunes, like Saani Ko, which was written by Phiroj Shyangden, former lead singer of the band.

The album strives forward with some new sounds consistent with what we have come to expect from this musically adept and versatile band. The album took a little over a year for 1974AD #thenewlineup to write, produce and reflect the individual musical gifts of all the members.


“It was definitely an uphill task introducing new genres of sound in our music,” says Nirakar Yakthumba, founding member and bass player of 1974AD, shares “Now that the final product is in our hands, I can’t wait for people to listen to what we have created. I am in love with it, and I can only hope our audience will fall in love with it too.” Manoj KC, lead guitarist of the band and the producer of the album, adds “After recording, and re-recording, cleaning up, cropping, and working on it for hours, we have created an album that we are extremely proud of. Now it is up to you to enjoy it”.

All the recordings & mixing of Hazaar Sapana were done at Katjazz Records by Manzil Bikram KC and Manoj Kumar KC. The mastering jobs were performed in WEVOCASTER MASTERING STUDIO Fayetteville, Arkansas by Mr. Samir Jha.


The band will be touring the USA from 27th of August 2016 to promote Hazaar Sapana.
After returning from USA band will be heading for Nepal tour as well with its enigmatic performances.

The album can be downloaded from the band’s official website www.1974ad.com.np, powered by Ruslan Music.

Follow the hashtag 1974AD #thenewlineup in all social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) to get updates about the band’s work and events.

1974AD #thenewlineup:
Nirakar Yakthumba: Bass
Sanjay Shrestha: Drums/ percussion
Manoj Kumar K.C: Guitar/ Backing vocals
Prajjwal Mukhiya: Vocals/ keyboard
Rohit John Chettri: Vocals/ Guitar
Pratick Baniya: Trombone
Jacko Wacko: Trumpet