Amazing Health Benefits You can Reap from Eating Green Chillies

Are you someone who loves to spice up their food with green chillies? If you belong to this tribe, there is one more reason for you to add chillies to your food. Apart from improving your immunity and general fitness, the chemical compounds present in them not only control diabetes but also regulate bleeding when injured.

Here are some benefits of adding green chillies to your diet.

Weight loss: We should begin with the ultimate benefit – green chillies are rich in antioxidants and have zero calories. In fact, they speed up one’s metabolism as much as 50 per cent for up to three hours after eating, thus helping in weight loss.

Regulates mood: Consumption of green chillies releases chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals boost the enzymes that regulate our mood swings.

Controls blood sugar: For those suffering from diabetes, green chillies are highly recommended. The compounds in these chillies are great when it comes to balancing blood sugar levels.

Stops bleeding: In case you get injured or bleed a lot, it might be a good idea to consume something spicy that has the goodness of green chillies. The chillies being rich in Vitamin K helps in blood clotting.

Supports the cardiovascular system: Green chillies have a high amount of an antioxidant called beta-carotene that supports the cardiovascular system. If you want your heart to run fine, it is suggested you start adding a dash of green chillies to your diet.

Strengthens bones: Green chillies are known to contain a high amount of vitamin A. That being said, not only do they help in strengthening bones, but also help in getting healthier teeth.

Helps to fight cold and sinus: Capsaicin in green chillies has a stimulating effect on the mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses. This helps in combating common cold or sinus infections.

Ready to add a green chilly in your food to reap its benefit?