College way to get dressed in winter

The chilly days of winter are the best opportunity to add layer and layer of clothes. The more layer the better. Layering gives us the opportunity to experiment with different looks and keeps warm in the chilly weather. Here are some of the looks you can try for your college.

winter-fashionStaple pieces like jeans with colorful cardigans can be used instead of grays and neutrals. Winter clothes do not have to be boring and dull. To get a bit dressy look a denim or leather jacket may be paired with a good fitted jeans and ankle boots.

Some fall items like full sleeved button down shirts can be used on top with high-waist pants to avoid too formal appearance but still keep the look semi formal. To add more fun to the look contrast colored sweaters and paired with scarf or muffler worn with knee high boots. If you are looking for more of laid back look for a lazy morning class, you can opt for a simple full sleeved t-shirt with jeans and top these with safari jacket. Safari jackets with loose silhouettes, gathered waist and large patch pockets are on trend. Not only green but mustard and mud colored safari jackets can be chosen according to one’s preference. This look is stylish and comfortable when paired with ankle high grunge boots.dressed in winter

If pants seem too boring and you would like to experiment with skirts then you would have advantage of getting different looks by trying different types of skirts. Evergreen denim miniskirts can be paired with over sized sweaters that are available in different fun prints. These can be paired with warm tights to avoid the cold. Neutral colored shawls can be wound around the neck to provide extra warmth paired with flatforms. The plaid or check flannel skirts can be other option. If u thinks your look needs a pop of color then you can also choose a mustard or green pleated skirt. Different types of boots can be used to complete the look according to ones preference and the activity one is going to be involved. Leather skirts can work out good in dark red and tan as they are in trend this season and layered with fitted cardigan instead of over sized sweater.

If you want to experiment a little further a knee or calf length dress in light or pastel colors with prints can be worn with a leather jacket and grunge boots. This may not be a look anyone would be able to pull off. But if you want something girlish and yet a bit grunge then you might like to try it. Sweater dresses can be used with different necklines. Cowl necklines and turtle necks are popular for winter paired with trench and knee high boots. If you are using over coats you can use skinny jeans or leggings with the boots.dressed in winter

Replacing our favorite hoodies this winter you can also carry out blanket like capes and jackets keeping us warm though out the day. Capes in rough and warm blanket like materials are in fashion this season. Prints of plaids and checks are used giving us just-out-of-bed look and not compromise with the warmth in the cold days. And what more could we ask for as it’s the latest trend!!!

Apart from the boots and the scarves the beanies are another boon of the season. Those knitted woolen caps can also be used to add spice to your look. So with all these different looks keep yourselves warm this winter.

  • by Prashamsa Dangol, 10th batch, 5th semester student at Namuna College of Fashion Technology.
    (The write up is a part of assignment of Fashion Journalism class conducted by Rojin Shakya)