New album of Gangnam Star PSY releasing on 1st December

South Korean singer Gangnam star PSY is ready to release his new album on 1st December 2015. 37-year-old Psy said late last year… that he would ‘go back to his roots and return with a new album’, and anticipation is running high.

Gangnam Star PSY
The quirky singer/rapper was catapulted to global stardom in 2012 after his Gangnam Style music video, with its invisible horse-riding dance, went viral. It remains the most-watched video of all time on YouTube with more than 2.4 billion views.

Before Gangnam Style dominated the world, Psy was already a well-known artiste in South Korea, with a reputation for provocative lyrics and Entertaining stage performances.

Some fans felt that the singer lost his edge after travelling the world, riding the Gangnam Style wave and being feted by everyone from world leaders to sports stars and business tycoons.