Enhance Your Face Value


Image source: healthyfoodspace.com

Enhance Your Face Value: Looking beautiful is been a never ending desire. And if you wish to have an attraction on your face similar to the models as seen on the runway or the actresses as seen on the screen, only the makeup will not work. We need to focus on the lifestyle we are living.

The skin secret: For the healthy glowing skin there are certain tips that would work very effectively. The simple things one need to follow would be like lesser use of cosmetic products, a complete eight hours sleep, at least an hour of physical exercise, staying away from tobacco and alcohol, giving priority to homeopathic medicines, maximizing the consumption of organic food, staying away from stress and worries, trying the level best stay happy and feel good, hygienic life style, balanced diet etc.


Image Source: becomegorgeous.com

Beauty Schedule: Sleeping habits should be strictly followed. Let us try to go for sleep within 10pm. Before that Cleansing, toning and moisturizing should be the part of regular beauty schedule. For this, a quality product should be prioritized. The women who are ageing should massage their face options like face serum, night cream or nut oil.

The over use of face scrub or shampoo can result to the loss of natural oil both from the face and the hair. So, face scrub should be done once a week and shampooing twice a week would work well. Besides this one should take care of hands and legs as well. Manicure and Pedicure should be done once in month. Hand and foot creams should utilize for softening and taking care of hands and feet.

Body beautiful: It is difficult to take care of whole body in comparison to the face. But little bit effort can make things happen. An hour physical exercise should be within the daily routine. This opens the body pores and enhances the blood circulation, helps in recharging the body. Through sweating body toxins get released out of the body and deep cleansing of the body becomes possible. The second step is deep hydration. For this the consumption of eight to nine glass of water will work. Fruits should be taken in daily diet schedule.

Body massage should be included in the weekly schedule. For this mustard oil, coconut oil or jaitun oil would be the options. For the better results body scrub should be done thrice in a month and sometimes body pack can be used as well.


image source: tipsmaza.com

Healthy plate: Please try to stay away from vegetables been grown using chemical fertilizers. If used then before the cooking process, the vegetables should be made wet in the water and be left at least for half an hour in order to minimize the effect of chemical fertilizer been used while growing it. So, let’s try to consume more of organic food. Instead of eating too much within two or three times a day, let’s break down in six times of eating.

This will help in digestion of food properly and will also reduce overeating. Balanced diet schedule should be strictly followed taking in consideration of adequate amount of consumption of necessary stuffs like vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates etc. Let’s stay away from junk and packed food. Let’s concentrate on healthy food rather than the food that is tasty but has less nutrition value.

Look young: The selection of makeup products should be done properly and should match the skin type and the complexion. The quality and brand of the product should be prioritized rather than its cost. The expiry date of the product should seriously be noted. Besides the mentioned things, the hair plays an important role to enhance the face value. As per that the selection of shampoo and conditioner matching to hair type should be used. Regular and timely hair cutting, washing and proper take care will result to thick, long, voluminous, silky and smooth hair.

The styling and coloring could be the option to enhance the hair look but one should be more conscious regarding its treatment after the hair coloring and styling products are applied on it. Dry, damage, dandruff, hair fall, whitening of hair could be the minor problem but being careless about these can finally degrade the face value. So, one should be careful about this.

Balanced diet, nutritious and healthy food, good sleeping habits will be the natural ways to enjoy healthy hair. Other than this natural or home remedy process, chemical free or minimum chemical used hair products and treatment process should be used for the better results in order to solve the hair related problems.