Sunakali receives another international award

A Nepali documentary film Sunakali directed by Journalist Bhojraj Bhat has won an international award. Sunakali won the jury award under nature and culture genre in the International Mountain Film Festival held from February 23-27 in Slovenia.

sunakali bhoraj bhat

Members of the jury of the festival and director of Sunakali, Bhojraja Bhat |Photo Courtesy: Igor Kuster

In the film festival held every year in the capital city Ljubljana of Slovenia, as many as 50 films and documentaries from 26 countries had participated. Sunakali, which is based on the development of the mountain, has emerged as the best film.

sunakali bhoraj bhatEarlier, Sunakali was awarded with ‘Best ICIMOD Mountain Film Award’ carrying a purse of USD 1,000 and ‘jury award’ at the 12th edition of the Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival (KIMFF).