The grand finale of children related pageant named as little stars of the year 2020 has been completed in Kathmandu. Showcased at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal, Kathmandu, the event saw forty eight school goers in the battle field of the competition. Hosted by Innovation Event Management, the event finalized winners according to the age category of the participants.
From the category A Pritha Gurung became the winner while Arisha Shrestha, Aarushi Gautam and Aagriya RL Shah were been respectively awarded as first, second and third runner-up. Likewise in the category A, Aarohi Regmi was positioned as forth runner-up. In the category B Prarthana Shrestha was crowned as the winner while Samiksha Moktan, Naisha Singh and Shreesha RL Rana were sorted as first, second and third runner-up respectively. In this category Aayena Joshi bagged forth runner-up Position.
The category C of the competition found Hridesh Gautam as the winner in senior side while Bhargav Wosti became the winner in the junior side. Likewise Nisab Khadgi became first runner-up while Ullas Dongol, Arthav Neupane, Sriwasta Karki and Prithabindra Bajracharya were awarded as second, third, forth and fifth runner-up respectively.
In the category D Aasha Khadka earned the winning crown while Aarya Gautam and Aarya Bajracharya were respectively chosen as first and second runner-up. Likewise this category had Aarushi Shrestha as third runner-up while forth runner-up position was been secured by Ashna Dhakal. The event was choreographed by Dikpal Karki while singing performance of the contestants was been mentored by Kunti Moktan and dance performance of the contestants was been mentored by Santosh Bhujel.