The way of Valentine’s Day Celebration

The way of Valentine’s Day Celebration :

Saint Valentine sacrificed his life for love, so that love would prevail long after he was gone. Thus, Valentine’s Day is celebrated on 14th February every year as an occasion of love, love and more love! Who can be immune to such an occasion of joy and romance. Lovers wait for days to profess their love to each other, through sharing of gifts and bouquets of red roses. Red is the color of the day, and no matter how prices soar, red roses are in full demand! After all, it is a special day celebrated especially for special love. Jayan Subba Manandhar, Glamor Nepal recently spoke to various personnel from different professional backgrounds to know their views on celebrating this celebration of love.

Reecha Sharma [Actress]:

Reecha Sharma [Actress]:

Reecha Sharma [Actress]: I think it’s for people who need to remind themselves that they love each other. It’s widely celebrated in the west but in Nepal it’s just a fashion statement, But then again for gift shops and florist it’s an amazing opportunity to grow their business. I have no such memories to share about valentine but I remember when I was in school my friends used to get cards and roses to give to their girlfriends, And this year I’m busy promoting my film“koafno”.

Neel David [Senior Hair Stylist]:

Neel David [Senior Hair Stylist]

Neel David [Senior Hair Stylist]: I’ve been celebrating Valentine’s Day since I was eighteen years old! I love celebrating this occasion, especially with my closest friends. We exchange gifts and red roses. Although I like to celebrate it all out, this time it will be quieter as my father recently passed away.

Mahima Silwal [Model / Actress]

Mahima Silwal [Model / Actress]

Mahima Silwal [Model / Actress]: Valentine’s Day is lover’s day, absolutely! It’s a day to profess love to each other, although I do think celebrating love should not be limited to just lovers but should also comprise of family and friends. So, this time I plan to celebrate it with family, relatives and friends!

Subhekshya Khadka [T.V. Presenter]

Subhekshya Khadka [T.V. Presenter]

Subhekshya Khadka [T.V. Presenter]: This occasion is lover’s day! On this day, lovers express their love for each other and celebrate their togetherness whole-heartedly. I celebrate every Valentines, and when presented by red roses, I feel special. This time I plan to celebrate with family and my close friends. A message to all those lovebirds out there, celebrate everyday like Valentines and you will see your relationship flourish. Cheers to love!

Kali Prasad Baskota [Music Composer and Singer]

Kali Prasad Baskota [Music Composer and Singer]

Kali Prasad Baskota [Music Composer and Singer]: Although I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day in a special manner, I do enjoy this occasion. This year I will be busy in my musical programmes, and to mark Valentine’s Day I will be singing a lot of love songs! Coincidentally, my new romantic video is just out, and my listeners have really appreciated it. And this is my gift to all those celebrating love on this day. So I guess I must say this Valentines is quite special for me!

Sijan Bhattachan [Model]

Sijan Bhattachan [Model]

Sijan Bhattachan [Model]: Valentine’s Day is a Day to celebrate love, hence I take this positively. Although, I don’t make it a point to celebrate in a special way. Before marriage, 14 February usually used to be a time of celebration mainly with friends. Celebration of any occasion is a good thing, but planning a celebration itself takes time! This Valentine, I plan to celebrate with my good friends!

Nirjan Thapa [Model]

Nirjan Thapa [Model]

Nirjan Thapa [Model]: The moment the month of February nears, I feel a sense of happiness and excitement. I still remember my school days when my girlfriend used to secretly fill my bag with lovebird candies, flowers and chocolates to surprise me! Three years back, I visited Dharahara with my girlfriend. Although this monument is no more, my memories with her are still fresh. I consider Valentine’s Day to be a very special day for people who love each other as they celebrate their love and togetherness. As this Valentine, I will be busy shooting for the movie, “Laltin” and occupied with media programmes, I have decided to enjoy with friends instead!

Angila Shrestha [Writer at TGIF THT and Travel & Life Style]

Angila Shrestha [Writer at TGIF THT and Travel & Life Style]

Angila Shrestha [Writer at TGIF THT and Travel & Life Style]: Valentine’s Day is a special day to enjoy with loved ones, to express love and togetherness. For me, it’s more of family time. I’ve been celebrating Valentines with my parents every year. I don’t think it’s necessary to have a partner in your life to celebrate this day, so this year also, I look forward to a Valentine Celebration with family!

DikpalKarki [Actor/ Model]

DikpalKarki [Actor/ Model]

Dikpal Karki [Actor/ Model]: Valentine’s Day is a day not only for lovers but also for family and friends, and other loved ones. Of course, I think it becomes slightly more special when you are in love, and the color of the day; red itself symbolizes love! A single red rose speaks volumes on Valentines. Personally, an ideal way to celebrate Valentines would be to get away from the crowd, have good food and drinks with romantic music playing in the background. Although, I have yet to find someone special! I plan to celebrate this Valentine’s Day by promoting my new movie release. My crew and I will be attending lots of promotion parties, and I hope to have a lot of fun with my good friends and reel partner!

Astha Raut [Singer]

Astha Raut [Singer]

Astha Raut [Singer]: Valentine’s Day is really special, and during this time I am usually wondering when will I find my “special someone”, and if I’ll ever find one! Back in the days I used to be surprised with lots of roses and gifts by anonymous admirers, and sometimes I received such admiration while walking in the streets of Basantapur, Kathmandu! This Valentines I am planning to visit Hong Kong for some musical programme with my fellow artists. I am looking forward to this year being a memorable one. Love begets love, so here’s wishing all a wonderful Valentines!

Santoshi Shrestha [Fashion Designer]

Santoshi Shrestha [Fashion Designer]

Santoshi Shrestha [Fashion Designer]: I enjoy Valentine celebrations, even more so when I see others celebrate with such joy! I celebrate every Valentine’s Day with my loved ones and friends. Red roses symbolize this day for me. Moreover, I absolutely love roses. This year’s Valentine is extra special for me as it’s my first Valentine after my marriage, so I plan to celebrate it with my husband. I am hoping it’ll be magical!

Sirjana Karki [Make-up Artist]

Sirjana Karki [Make-up Artist]

Sirjana Karki [Make-up Artist]: 14th February; a day to celebrate love is something I take quite positively. It’s a day to celebrate, exchange gifts and roses with loved ones. And in our busy lives, any occasion to take a break and celebrate is a good thing! If I can manage, I celebrate Valentines but even when busy and at office, I will manage somehow to celebrate with colleagues. I have planned a nice family dinner for this Valentine’s Day. Let’s see how that goes!

Xubaha Acharya [Model/V.J.]

Xubaha Acharya [Model/V.J.]

Xubaha Acharya [Model/V.J.]: I’ve been much pampered since childhood, and till now I get showered with lots of love and attention by friends and family, and even work colleagues! My celebration this year will have a slightly different crowd. I am planning to enjoy Valentine’s Day with my fans as I will be hosting a special show on that special day. Work and fun together!

Etna Karki [Entrepreneur]

Etna Karki [Entrepreneur]

Etna Karki [Entrepreneur]: I am crazy about this Day, as this is “Lover’s Day”! And for the youth this is really special. I celebrate it with lots of enthusiasm. I like to dress up in red every Valentines. Before this day arrives, I am already planning my look for the day! I celebrate the occasion with my special someone and I also enjoy with friends by partying, shopping and going all out fun! I also give my friends small bouquets of red roses. I don’t think anyone can say no to love, especially on Valentines. This Valentines, I am hoping for a celebration full of love!

Deepesh Rai, [Model]

Deepesh Rai, [Model]

Deepesh Rai, [Model]: Valentines is a day for lovers to share unconditional love and affection with each other. I usually celebrate Valentines with my best of friends. We give each other gifts and red roses, and try to make it as memorable as possible. This time also I plan to celebrate it with my near and dear ones, and I am hoping to have a wonderful time as always.

Pyrav Siwakoti [Medical Student and Model]

Pyrav Siwakoti [Medical Student and Model]

Pyrav Siwakoti [Medical Student and Model]: 14th February is not only a special day for me, but I guess for the entire youth. I am looking forward to celebrating this Valentine’s Day with lots of excitement. Usually I make pre-plans for Valentines with my good friends, and we decide how we will celebrate it, and where we’ll go. This time also we are looking forward to lots of fun together!