Collecting Signs in petition to Stop Dhamala Ko Hamala!

A new petition is happening to stop the weekly talk show DHAMALA KO HAMALA, telecasting in Himalaya Television. A petition has been started by Prapti Pyakuryal, who lives in Australia. The show is continuously presenting by Rishi Dhamala from its first episodes on Himalaya TV.
Dhamala ko Hamala Rishi DhamalaThe show is become more controversial due to asking questions to guest and its presenting way. Essentially the way of asking questions to female guest about very personal things, love affairs, relationship and privacy which is forced to reveal on the show.

The show becomes more controversial, when the actress Reecha Sharma attends on the talk show Dhamala Ko Hamala. General people, Fans of the actress and celebrities have begins to complain Himalayan Television to stop the show.

Gorgeous actress Priyanka Karki along with How Funny movie director Nilu Doma Sherpa has signed on this petition to force Himalayan Television to stop the show – Damala Ko Hamala. The petition needs 5000 sign in total and till these words written, there are 3,355 peoples have already signed.

There are a lots of supporters comments on the petition and wants to stop the show. If you think the show should be stopped and wants to sign in the petition!
Click here to sign in Petition.

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