An event packaged for Teenagers and school going children and Kids was recently been concluded in Kathmandu. Showcased at Army Officers club, Sundhara, the battle among the teenagers called Teen Star Nepal 2018 ended with selection of Samriddhi Shrestha as the winner. The race completed with Saptami Shrestha as first runner-up, Sabisha Shrestha as second runner-up and Mandeep Neupane as the winner of Most Popular category.
Likewise school going children and kids were seen battling for Little Champ 2018. In the Little Champ category Fhungnam Limbu was selected as the winner while Anusha Gurung and Rista Neupane ended as first and second runner-up respectively.
Likewise Jasmine Karki was been awarded as Most Popular. On the other hand Anij K.C. was been declared as the winner of Mini Little Champ category. The category selected Aron Prajapati as first runner-up and Kubjika Shrestha as second runner-up while Anant Dhanuka was awarded as Most Popular. The event was been organized by Morning Glory Entertainment and was choreographed by Model Jasmine Gurung