The fashion show named as The Runway Temptation 2 organized by Wonder Emporium events on 2 October 2014 at Moksh, Jhamsikhel featured various range of attires that included party wear to cocktail mood. Formals and casuals, comfortable and cool styles, couple of traditional but yet modernized and stylish wears were also been spotted on the runway. Glamorous silhouettes, prints, vibrant hues, sexy cuts to shears, lehenga cholis, saris, gowns, one piece dresses in different styles, shades and moods took the center stage.
The formals and casuals displayed by the male models were also eye catching. The designers who put on their effort and imagination were Angel’s collection, Amit Baral, Heena Gurung, Ankita’s Collection and Highland’s Collection whereas Amit collection and Bikash’s collection were exclusively only for men. These seven designers were been represented by forth number of models including both males and females. The show had former Miss Nepal Sugarika Sanat K.C., VJ Sandhya K.C. and Divas like Namrata Shrestha and Samikshya Shrestha seen as the show stoppers. The show also had the men’s were collection by Designer Anchu Pandey under the name stitch lands.