Watch The Trailer of Nepali Movie KILLA. The film is produced by Rakshya Meche under the banner of Meche Film Production. Actress Surabhi Kain and Actor Subash Meche in lead actors of the movie. The Film is directed by Himal KC, popular fight director in Nepali film industry.
PINJADA Back Again | Nikhil Upreti Sara Shirpaili | Nepali Movie...
Nepali Movie PINJADA Back Again | Starting: Nikhil Upreti, Sara Shirpaili, Sushmita KC, Pukar Bhattarai, Jack Shrestha, Kushagraha Bhattarai | Story: Maunata Shrestha | Co. producer: Ramesh...
Surabhi Jain announced to break from films
Glamour Nepal, Kathmandu Actress Surabhi Jain has announced to take break from the filmy career. She had debuted in Nepali film through ‘Samay’. She, through her Facebook page, announced...
Nepali Actress, Who Looks Better ?
Nepali Actress, Who Looks Better? Ashishma Nakarmi, Binita Baral, Gauri Malla, Jharan Thapa, Karishma Manandhar, Keki Adhikari, Namrata Sapkota, Nandita Kc, Priyanka Karki, Sanchita Luitel...