8th season of Little Prince and Princess and third season of Teen Princess Diva organized Radiant Event Management Agency has recently been concluded in Kathmandu. Showcased on the same platform, both the events were been presented at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal.
In the event Naman Mittal and Supriya Maharjan were respectively chosen as Little Prince and Princess 2018, while Sushant Subedi and Prapya Pokharel completed the event as first runner-ups. Likewise Jenish Shrestha and Prashna Giri earned the second runner-up position.
On the other hand in teenager event, Roshika Niraula topped as Teen Princess Diva 2018. She also took away the award of best dress. In the event along with talent category Mahima Bajracharya scored victory at first runner-up position while Aaisha Rai finished the event as second runner-up. The event was been choreographed by Raj Phaiju.