The fresh pageant called Mr. and Miss Kollywood 2018 has recently been showcased in Kathmandu. Presented at Dragon Banquet, Nayabazaar, the event finalized Bibhas Subedi and Kriti Karki as Mr. and Miss Kollywood 2018. The event saw Ronit Subedi and Ashmita Tamang as first runner-ups and Sanam Maharjan and Sweta Poudel as second runner-ups.
In the event organized by Modeling school Nepal and managed by ONS group Ronit Subedi and Madhuri Gurung earned awards of most handsome and most beautiful respectively while Simant Subedi and Sweta Poudel were judged as best dress category winner.
Similarly Sushant Ghimire and Ashmita Tamang were awarded as the winner for best walk category while Sanam Maharjan and Sweta Poudel bagged the award of photogenic. The event was been choreographed by Prabesh Giri.