Aesthetics in Connecting

Manoj RC Nepalese Actor

People hope to see the difference and they tend to portray their fanaticism in the life they live and the one they convey. We can see several ways of such portrayal and several ways of interpretations of such fanatic portrayal. One of the very recent developments we see is in such portrayal is seen in the Audio-Video culture our world has adapted to. And also the development of cultures through the art of Cinema. We believe that something we are vowed to believe in. And, we always find some ways to say so.

Even though almost every Cinema we have been presented as a way of our fanatic expression and the expression of the selves there always is a marginal line which defines something convincing enough that our subconscious has projected and what we have in our reality matches. There it aligns like a looking through a colored glass. And, then we believe it to be a reflection of the society.

When we look at such reflections there signs a man in a way anybody has never done in the Cinema culture we have been following in Nepal. The hunger for the art and performance along with the projection of such fanaticism aligns so subtly in the person that we hardly can identify what is the real version of him. We are bound to see only what has been presented to see. We are bound perceive only his fanatics of the characters he portrays and he always wins over us.

When we normally are to talk about an actor portraying a role or a character there we look to see and to judge over if the character portrayed by him suits him or not and whether he does the justice to the character he portrayed, Even more so in our recent Cinemas. That we hardly care about what is the underlying notion about the motion that is being portrayed. We always try to convince ourselves. Or seek to judge what’s resiliently destructive the ‘notion’!

Manoj Kumar RC, aka Manoj RC, started his film career starting from 2002 with the heroic role of Martyr Gangalal Shrestha in the movie named ‘Bir Ganeshman’ but interestingly the movie itself couldn’t garner the proof of ‘heroic’ notion besides the cinephiles but it was deemed one of the best among the movie-buffs. But, he shined in his next project, a movie directed by Manoj Pandit as experimentation in Nepali Cinema. He successfully brought several accolades through the movie. And, the journey of the search of the real identity now begins in him along with his several friends through-out Nepal and garners more accolades. In the mean-time he plays several art-house roles like C-Mala. But, let’s fast forward to the very recent one.

Manoj RC Nepalese Actor

Let’s talk about his recent movie. ‘Jhumkee’ (directed by Apil Bista and story by Ram Babu Gurung) was released in 2016 and was deemed successful. Then the dialogues and conversations again start with a sparkle of inherent question in people’s mind. ‘What is the man really trying to prove or convey?’ People were ‘awestruck’ by the dedication and the sensibility of such an immersive and indifferent character to the reality. In just a second you won’t really think what the portrayal really means but if you were to delve just a bit deeper you will be amalgamated with the substantial epiphany that surrounds ‘Gokul Bhatta’ the character portrayed by him and what really the creators of the characters including Mr. RC himself had gone through to show such noble aspects in such a miserable, troubled and indifferent character. It drives you back to the era of raging civil war and the lack of death in human sentimentality as well as the quality of perverse appreciation of love in life.

Talking about a human aspect we as human desire to be liked, loved and appreciated and in we return we love the one whom we want us to treat the same. But, when there are several little aspects that were denied till now and they start to surface-up all along with the cataclysmic xenophobia brought-up by a stereotype or a reason? What would have a person who loves want in return? Maybe most of us want acceptance and we want our desires to be appreciated or fulfilled. But, there still looms a question, ‘What if that wasn’t just it?’ ‘What if this is the very definition of what love is?’ ‘And, what if self sacrifice is the very meaning to it?’ It is a subtle affection that fills the audience and a fantasy people like to admire within them. People do live a degree of fanatic life and for the ones who don’t; they are fulfilled by Cinema and Arts.

It’s a notion of arts and aesthetics that, we create to survive or we survive to create our fantasies, we are always trying to push our ideals and at the same time we are pushing our ideals further and further. Imagine a goat has a stick with some grass tied to it and the stick is tied in front of its head. And, we humans are always moving further towards the perfection but the perfection never seems attainable. And, we are bound to move forward as like the goat with the grass is doing.

We are so removed from the abject reality that we fantasies the aesthetic part of the reality and fantasize connecting it with several dreams or fantasies through several forms of arts and literature. We create a thing just to be destroyed by another thing that’s more important and aesthetically pleasureful in the future. We humans live to create and artist who perform like Mr. RC help us to connect between our fantasies and our abject realities. All the aesthetic beauties of living are connected through such portrayal of an art that is alive like a Cinema and like the Cinema people like Mr. RC do.

Let’s talk about more recent news. Manoj RC was awarded with a prestigious title ‘Critics’ Award’ in the recent D Cine Award organized by Chhayachhabi Creations and also was praised for his portrayal of the role and also for his accentuation of life as an actor. I believe this appreciation leads Mr. RC and every Nepali Movie lovers would push themselves harder towards the perfection.