Nepali actor Aditya Lohia making foray in Hollywood

It has been long since Aditya Lohia started working as an actor. His upcoming film about vampires, which is yet to be named, could provide him a huge break in Hollywood.

Aditya-Lohia-1For Aditya, desire for acting is similar to that that comes from heart. It is something that fuels the fire to live and to contribute to the world through entertaining and complex characters.

He has trained some five years as an actor and received trainings at the Stella Adler Studio in New York which is one considered as one of the most prestigious acting schools in the world that has produced accomplished actors like Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro and among many

When asked what draws him to a film about vampires, “Honestly, it’s not so much about being a vampire itself that draws me to it but the complexity and the challenges that the character poses to me as an actor. It can be emotionally draining to go through so many emotions within a single film,” he replied.

Aditya-Lohia-2Even though his primary training has been in theatre, he has also acted in many short films and films that are in the process of being turned into a full length feature after great reviews from the
audience. When we ask him if the transition to films from theatre training is going to be difficult, he says “I’ve done many short films and while performing on stage is different from on-camera, the basics are still the same”.

When asked how he managed to book a lead this is coveted project, he says “I met a friend who told me about an audition and I would be right for it. She got me in touch with the director and we scheduled a time for an audition. After a few rounds of intense auditions I was able to book the part.”

We can definitely see that he has what it takes to come through and make a great character in this feature film. Only time will tell how the film is received by the people but for now his career is only going from strength to strength. And being from Nepal, he is showing the country in the best light.