An international franchised modeling competition named as Mr. and Miss Runway Model Universe Nepal 2020 has been showcased in Kathmandu. The premiere edition of the event saw Ajay Rawal and Khusi Mukhiya as the winners of the competition. Pankay Pandey and Aaradhya Bhatta completed the event as first runner-ups while Jitendra Chaudhary and Rojita Shrestha were finalized as second runner-ups. Likewise Prakash Khatri and Devika Bista were been awarded as the winners of Public Choice award.
The winners of the event would be proceeding to compete at the finals of Mr. and Miss Runway Model Universe 2020 being held at Malaysia in the month of June 2020. The event was been showcased at Magnum Lounge Bar and Club, Durbarmarg, Kathmandu under the banner of Planet Multimedia International leaded by Monit Maharjan the national director for the domestic version of international event, Mr. and Miss Runway Model Universe.