Leaving behind thirty five other contestants, Riba Limbu scored victory in the grand finale of Miss Airhostess 2017; along with title award she also earned cash prize of rupees twenty five thousand.
In the event Srizu Singh Thakuri was positioned as first runner-up while Monalisa Pakhrin earned the second runner-up position. Both the runner-ups were awarded with the cash prize of rupees fifteen and ten thousand respectively.
Srizu also became the winner of best dress category while Monalisa grabbed the title of miss personality.
The event is organized by Season Media and the official choreographer for the event is Rojin Shakya.
Winners in other categories:
Miss Talent: Anu Budha Magar
Miss Photogenic: Asmita Budhathoki
Miss Best Smile: Puja Khatri
Miss Friendship: Supriya Thapa Magar
Miss Discipline: Sapana Joshi
Miss Popular: Furlhamu Sherpa
Miss Multimedia: Elina Shrestha
Miss Viewer’s Choice: Basha Chamling Rai
Organizer Choice award winner: Dikchhya Thapa
Miss Best Skin: Bimu Limbu