An ethnic beauty pageant related to Newar community being more specific only for the young ladies of Jyapu community, the third season of ‘Miss Jyapu’ is closing to finale.
Seventeen finalists being groomed since last five weeks have gone through various training, orientation and learning session. Among them learning of Nepal bhasa, training session related to traditional art, culture, language, occupation, food, music, dance, rituals and practices related to the Jyapu community was been a highlight.
The contestants also went through grooming in various aspects like personality development, communication skills, leadership development, socialization, women empowerment, stage performance and presentation skills.
The contestants are also done with their round performance and are going through the final preparation regarding grand finale and prior to this for the pre judging.
The event is being organized by Nasa Mandal and would showcase at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal on 26th of Kartik 2074. The event would take its shape under the choreography of choreographer Rojin Shakya.