Jharana Regmi has clinched victory at the finale of Nepal’s Next Super Model season 5 showcased at Everest Hotel, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu. Other than being the winner of the competition Jharana also bagged the best body award. As the winner, Jharana received a cash prize of rupees twenty-five thousand from Maa Banglamukhi Consumer Cooperative and also earned a fitness package worth rupees forty thousand at Cage fitness, Balkumari, Lalitpur. Jharana also received a flight ticket for an international tour.
In the event, Binny Khadgi topped as first runner-up while Palija Manandhar stood second runner-up and also earned the awards called best walk and organizer’s choice. Likewise in the event, Swikrity Bhattarai earned a multimedia award while Saika Bhattarai bagged a personality and photogenic award. The event was been organized by R n R group and was choreographed and hosted by choreographer and media person Rojin Shakya.
The hunt for Nepal’s Next Super Model Season 5 had ten female contestants on the battlefield. The event was been powered by Khalti and had IIFT as the attire partner of the event. Pamfaz fashion was been the theme partner for the event while the makeover of the contestants was been looked after by the grooming partner of the event Beauty Garden, the grooming station. The event was been organized for providing opportunities to the young aspirants who desire to make their career in the field of modeling scene of Nepal, providing them the professional training and opportunities in various ways and contexts.