Film Southasia’15, a festival for South Asian documentaries in Kathmandu

10th edition of Film Southasia, a festival for South Asian documentaries, is starting from Thursday, November 19 in Kathmandu.

Forty-three documentaries will be screening at Yalamaya Kendra, Patan Dhoka in the four-day festival. The films range from sharp political commentaries, explorations of artistic creativity, and depiction of human-environment conflicts.Film Southasia'15, a festival for South Asian documentaries

Adoor Gopalakrishnan, an Indian auteur filmmaker as the chief guest will be inaugurating this year’s and “Drawing the Tiger” a film directed by Ramyata Limbu will be opening film for the festival.

The best documentary film will be awarded with the “Ram Bahadur Trophy” along with cash prize of USD 2,000. There are requirements for other such awards, too.

The juries for the festival are well known media personalities, Panneerselvan from India, Anomaa Rajakaruna from Sri Lanka and Narayan Wagle from Nepal.

Tickets for Film Southasia are available at Yalamaya Kendra, Patan Dhoka, RedMud, Jhamsikhel and Mandala Book Point, Kantipath.

For more details of films and schedule, visit: