The brand new pageant launched b Katha Events has been concluded in Kathmandu. Showcased at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal, Kathmandu, the event finalized Oki Kimochi Bista as Miss Lady Nepal 2019. As the winner Oki was awarded with cash prize of rupees fifty thousand. She was also successful to earn the awards under the categories called most creative and organizer’s choice.
In the event along with awards called best dress, personality, confident and photogenice Subekshya Khadgi was placed as first runner-up while Khusi Ban was elected as second runner-up. Khusi also bagged the award of most friendly. In the event Kabita Megila was crowned as the winner of viewer’s choice award. The event was been choreographed by Dikpal Karki and was emceed by Rojin Shakya.