In the grand finale of Little Idol Nepal 2019 showcased at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal, Priyanka Basnet, Saffron Shrestha and Rakshyak Dahal has been declared as the winners. In the event, Priyanka was been crowned as the winner in girl’s senior age group while Saffron was crowned as the winner in girl’s junior age group. Rakshyak became the winner in boy’s category.
The event saw Somi Karki and Purnima Tamang as first and second runner-ups respectively in the girl’s senior age group while Merina Limbu and Devenjana Bariyat scored as first and second runner-ups respectively in the girl’s junior age group.
Likewise in boy’s side Anupam Chaulagain was chosen as first runner-up and Marbin Moktan as second runner-up. The event was been showcased by Treble fashion concern in association with Gokarneshwor Municipality.