The grand finale of Miss Grand Nepal 2021 hosted under the banner of RK Entertainment Group has concluded in Kathmandu. In the finale showcased at Rastriya Naachghar Jamal, along with Miss Intellectual award Nishu Kumari Shah from Siraha has been crowned as Miss Grand Nepal 2021. In the event, the lady from Kathmandu Surjina Shrestha was crowned as Miss Tourism Nepal 2021 while Babita Acharya from Jhapa was crowned as Miss Scuba Nepal 2021.
Likewise, the event saw Manisha Chinnal from Hetauda being crowned as Miss Landscaped Nepal 2021 whereas Pramila Bishwokarma was crowned as Miss Multinational Nepal 2021. Also, the event crowned Sonali Sapkota as Miss Scuba Nepal 2020. The queens of the event each received a cash prize of rupees fifty thousand and gold printed Thanka worth rupees fifty thousand. Besides these rewards, all the queens would represent Nepal at international pageants as well.
The event was been judged by the panel of jury members that included glamour and commercial photographer Raj Bhai Suwal, fashion choreographer Jayan Subba Manandhar, Media person Rosa Basnet, Educationist Saroj Pyakurel, Model Jayan Subba Manandhar and Singer/Actor Bishnu Chemjong. The event has a vivid range of attires flaunted by the contestants, the cocktail wear designed by Rohit Chaudhary, Lehengas designed by Preety Shakya, Alina Lama, and Kalpana Thapa Magar, and gowns designed by Prem Deo and Manita Basnet.
The event was been graced by the Chairman of World Buddhist Religious Association Aani Bhim Suwa Gurung as the Chief guests while business entrepreneurs Kisson Raj Singh, Raju Shrestha, Social activists Ambika Aryal, Rajeshwori Shrestha, Prakash Kunwar and others were been the special guests. The event was been choreographed by Media Person and Choreographer Rojin Shakya.