In the grand finale of Miss Teenager Nepal 2021 Shila Prajapati has been crowned as the winner. Besides being the winner of the event Shila also earned best performance award. In the event Dipta Thapa Magar along with Viewer’s choice award, bagged first runner-up position while along with multimedia award Krizensa Silwal earned second runner-up position. Likewise, along with congeniality award Arpana Limbu completed the event as third runner-up position while along with management choice award Rija Konda bagged forth runner-up position.
In the event organized by Emmy Entertainment Sabera Buddhacharya earned miss talent, Meena Thapa Magar bagged best personality while Akansha Shrestha lifted best walk award. Similarly, the event saw Rasti Maharjan as miss charming, Anu Magar as best discipline, Muskan Das as miss stylish, Anshu Prajapati as miss photogenic and Sanchita Shrestha as public choice. The event was showcased at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal and was hosted & choreographed by Choreographer and media person Rojin Shakya.