The event subjected to little Newa Girls named as Miss Little Newa has finalized its 10th edition. In the grand finale recently been showcased at Nepal Academy Hall, Kamaladi.
Kimty Shrestha student at St. Xavier’s School was crowned as Miss Little Newa 2016. Kimty was also able to score victory at Miss Photogenic award. In the event Shreelata Shahi from Annapurna High School stood first runner-ups while Mahita Shrestha from Rosebud School scored second runner-ups position.
The event was been organized by Nepalese fashion home and was choreographed by Rohiya Maharjan. Marking a decade long year of celebration, the event honored every individual sub title holder with a glittering crown. The event was themed under Jatras celebrated in the Newar community.
Winners in other categories:
Miss Innocent- Sonima Maharjan
Miss Friendship – Shreeya Maharjan
Miss Charming- Ayusha Shrestha
Best Smile- Aayana Shakya
Best Skin- Shreeya Maharjan
Miss Photogenic- Kimty Shrestha
Miss Best Hair- Aagya Tuladhar
Miss Discipline- Shriya Shakya
Miss Personality- Anushka Maharjan
NFH Social Welfare Ambassador Chief- Lasata Dangol
Best Dress- Shwena Shrestha
Best Nepal Bhasa- Cristilina Sthapit
Miss Talent- Rashmila Tuladhar