The international pageant dedicated to children and teenagers named as Prince and Princess International 2018 is being represented by Team Nepal comprising contestants competing in different age category. The team Nepal has 16 years of age Romash Shrestha and 17 years of age Ashmita Dhungana as the contestants for the category Mister Teen Prince and Miss Teen Princess International 2018.
Likewise 13 years of Harshit Agrawal and 14 years of age Anuja Pant as the contestants for the category Mister Pre Teen Prince and Miss Pre Teen Princess International 2018.
Similarly the team Nepal has 12 years of age Pritansha Thapa as the contestant for Little Miss Princess International 2018 while 5 years of age Sparsh Khadgi and 5 years of age Prabisti Chan Thakuri would be competing as Mini Mister Prince and Mini Miss Princess International 2018.
The team Nepal has travelled to Thailand for the competition on Tuesday. The event is scheduled at Phuket, Thailand from 25th July till 31st July 2018. Regarding the international participation, all the three of them are been oriented and groomed by Choreographer Rojin Shakya.
For the participation at international scene, the Nepali delegates are been coordinated and managed by Group of event entertainers, G.E.E., the franchise for Prince and Princess International at Nepal.