Nepali teenager Marisha Shrestha has won the major title award in the teen category of Prince and Princess of the Universe 2018 held at Russia. In the event Seventeen years of age Marisha was crowned as Young Princess of the Universe 2018. The event was been hosted at Russia from 4th January till 9th January 2018 and had 27 global participants different countries of the world.
Marisha, the student at Uniglobe College aspires to be a Social worker and also aims to be next Miss Nepal. Earlier she was awarded as Miss Best smile and also was one of the finalists at Little Miss World Nepal organized by Nepalese Council.
The finale of Prince and Princess of the Universe 2018 was held on 8th of January 2018 at Moscow Hotel Korston, in Russia. Marisha’s participation at event was been managed and coordinated by Nepalese Council, the official franchise holder of the event at Nepal.
A year back Rakshya Thapa represented at 2017 edition of Prince and Princess of the Universe and was successful to bag the title of Young Princess of the Universe 2017.