Glamour Nepal, Kathmandu Pictures of film ‘How Funny’ currently under shooting have been unveiled. The pictures have given priority to actress Priyanka Karki and Keki Adhikari, who have...
Tag - Nilu Dolma Sherpa
How Funny!! In Pictures – Priyanka Karki, Keki Adhikari...
Pictures of film ‘How Funny’ currently under shooting have been unveiled. The pictures have given priority to actress Priyanka Karki and Keki Adhikari, who have appeared as investigators...
How Funny kicks off shooting
Glamour Nepal, Kathmandu The auspicious moment (subha muhart ) of the film ‘How Funny’ has been done at the Everest Child Home, Banasthali in Kathmandu. Member of Film Development Board...
HOW FUNNY!! To hit the floors on Saturday
Glamour Nepal, Only some films make news before shooting. Among them, film HOW FUNNY is one of them. The film under the banner of Tiny but Big Pictures was announced on Ashoj. The film will begin...