The premier show of Nepali Movie ICHCHHA, releasing across the country from Friday, was organized amidst film artists and journalists in the capital on Monday. At the premier at F.Cube Cinemas, most...
Tag - Munal Ghimire
I am in bold role in Ichchha; Actress Deep Shikha Shahi
Actress Deep Shikha Shahi had debuted through Nepali film ‘Khoj’. She has already acted in ‘Manab’, ‘Rang’, ‘Safe Landing’, ‘Vigilante’...
Ichchha Trailer | Subash Thapa, Dipshikha Shahi, Dayahang Rai
Watch! The 2nd Trailer of Nepali Movie ICHCHHA directed by Munal Ghimire, Produced by Prakash Ghimire, Nabin Shrestha and Laxman Poudel. Executive producer of the film is Rome Oli. Starring...