Agencies, Mumbai: Recently released trailer of Kyaa Kool Hain Hum 3 raised quite a few eyebrows owing to its raunchy content. The Censor Board which has got stringent with its rules has now given a...
Tag - Censor Board
‘A’ certificate to Zhigrana | Watch Here, Removed...
Censor Board of Nepal is often dragged into disputes for different types of certificates hands over to Nepali Movies. The board gives ‘A’ (*adult) certificate by deleting scenes of the...
Kirtipur (The Legend of Kirti Lakshmy) stopped by censor board
Glamour Nepal, Kathmandu, Historical Nepali Movie – Kirtipur (The Legend of Kirti Lakshmy) has been stopped by the censor board. The film is based on the attack by the then king of Gorkha...
Aago-2 producers warn moving court against censor board
Glamour Nepal, Kathmandu, the producers of film ‘Aago 2’ have vented their ire against the Censor Board of Nepal. They have claimed of incurring huge losses owing to dillydallying of the...