Miss Nepal contestants in Talent show

With few days being remained for the grand coronation of New Miss Nepal 2015, the contestants were found on one of the major competitive platform. This was for Miss Talent 2015 held on 6th of April 2015 at Russian Culture Center, Kamal pokhari. All the 19 contestants gave their best to showcase what they have stored within themselves as their talent. Majority of the contestants were found on trying out their dancing skills.
miss nepal talents showDurga Gurung and Medha Koirala went out for singing and were seen pretty much successful to impress as well. Other singing talents heard in the talent round were Asina Poudel and Shreya Poudel, who were found to be average on what they performed. Painting was the way to showcase the talent for two of the contestants Sudeepa Pathak and Anu Khadka while Prashamsa Parajuli put her words in the form of speech which was on Domestic violence against women.