Miss International Queen 2015 Nepal

[Up-Dated / 8 September 2015 ]

With more of beauty pageants happening in Kathmandu, here come a brand new and first ever one called Miss International Queen Nepal 2015 is being organized by Next Event International Pvt. Ltd.
Dear ladies falling in the age group of fifteen to twenty five years age standing minimum five feet and two inches and having SLC as the minimum qualification would be eligible to apply. According to the organizer various soft skills learning to celebrity interaction classes, self dress up to self make up classes, stage performance and presentation training, fitness and health related classes would be the highlight of grooming session of the event while the winner of the event is said to enjoy cash prize, gift hampers, various modeling projects, media promotion and others.

Other than things mentioned above the event has photo contest within the event. For which one need to send close-up fashionable pictures to the official face book page of the event including the individual details like name, contact address and contact number. The participant receiving the maximum likes would be declared as the winner of this photo contest. The top three of this photo contest would be the wild card entrants as the finalists for the event who need not to face the audition round. Well the audition date is slated for 12th of September 2015. So, ladies try your luck to be seen in the scene.