Binamra Ratna Tuladhar and Prashamsa Dhital have been elected as the winners of Mr. & Miss SEE Icon 2019 in the finale of the event showcased at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal, Kathmandu. In the event...
Tag - Mr. Nepal See Icon
Pramit and Shreya earned Mr. & Miss Nepal’s SEE Icon...
In the finals of Mr. & Miss Nepal’s SEE Icon 2019 Pramit Bhattarai and Shreya Upreti has been elected as the winners of the event. Besides being the winner Pramit also earned the awards of...
Sakar and Sirjana won Mr. & Miss Nepal’s SEE Icon 2017
An event targeted to the SEE appeared students called Mr. & Miss Nepal’s SEE Icon 2017 has finalized its winners. Sakar Shrestha and Sirjana Thapa Magar registered victory in the major...