The event dedicated to culture, ethnicity and values of being Newar, named as Miss Newa has concluded its 14th edition under the name NTC Miss Newa 1139. In the grand finale showcased at Nepal Academy Hall, Kamaladi, Kathmandu, on June 15th 2019, Nitu Dangol registered the victory on the main title award. As the winner she has been appointed as the goodwill ambassador for Nepal Cancer Relief Society, Nepal Kyokushin Seishin Kaikan Karate Association and Sneha’s Care.
The event saw Sangita Maharjan as first runner-up while Skena Koju bagged second runner-up position. Sangita was also successful at friendship award. The event was been organized by Nepalese Fashion Home and was mentored and choreographed by Rojin Shakya.
The event had Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan city, Chiribabu Maharjan as the chief guest. The event was been judged by Prabeshman Shakya, Ujjwal Krishna Shrestha, Bijayratna Tuladhar, Pradeedman Pradhan, Ashok Kumar Shrestha, Manju Karki Pandey and banker Bhai Raja Tuladhar as the chief jury.
Winners in various categories:
Best Hair: Rozi Shakya
Best Skin: Kritika Prajapati
Best Smile: Krisha Gainju
Miss Discipline: Bidisha Shrestha
Miss Photogenic: Azumi Shahi
Miss Charming: Srijana Shrestha
Miss Elegant: Kanchan Titaju
Best Dress: Esha Shrestha
NFH Social welfare ambassador chief & Miss Personality: Unisha Shahi
NFH Social welfare ambassador first runner-up & Miss Public Choice: Palsha Maharjan
NFH Social welfare ambassador second runner-up: Refina Shrestha
Miss Talent: Sujina Shrestha
Best Nepal Bhasa: Roshani Kumpakha
नीतु डंगोललाई मिस नेवाः ११३९ को उपाधि