by Rojin Shakya – The season 4 of Liril Fresh Face competition has been ended sorting Hishila Maharjan as the winner. Being the winner Hishila grabbed the exclusive opportunity to earn refreshing media fame, cash prize of rupees one lakh and a Hero Duet Scooter. Including Hishila Maharjan, Pooja Pradhan and Shraddha Mainali were final 3 contenders for Liril Fresh Face season 4. The runner-ups of the season Pooja and Shraddha received cash prize of rupees twenty five thousand each and a year contract with Liril.
Earlier the fifth episode of this season decided the top 2 contestants but a surprise came with sixth episode where Shraddha Mainali returned to the competition as a wild card entry making the season remained with the final combat between Hishila Maharjan, Pooja Pradhan and Shraddha Mainali. The sixth episode had task of photo shoots, the calendar shoot and water based photo shoot. The shots were done by Photographer Kishore Kayastha.
Watch the actions of episode 6 of Liril Fresh Face season 4
The season 4 of Liril Fresh Face ended on 27th of December 2017 with its 7th and final episode being transmitted on Kantipur Television. Other than the decision making of the winner of the season 4, the final episode saw the performance by singer/song writer/ loop artist Neetesh Jung Kunwar.
The final 3 of this season Hishila Maharjan, Pooja Pradhan and Shraddha Mainali were seen giving the best of their runway actions on the tunes of Neetesh. Other than the regular judges of the season, the finale episode had actor/model Ayushman Deshraj Shrestha Joshi as the guest judge.
The season 4 of Liril Fresh Face started off with the screening of the applicants, auditions, deciding top 10 and then moved with eliminations, found its top three and finally the winner. The whole process was been televised and aired from Kantipur Television. The season 4 of Liril fresh face was premiered on 15th of November 2017 and went through 7 episodes.
The final ten for the journey of Liril Fresh season 4 were Hishila Maharjan, Rejina Khadka, Prashamsha Manandhar, Nikita Acharya, Shreya K.C., Kopila Pokhrel, Prarabdhi Gyawali, Samikshya Singh, Shraddha Mainali and Pooja Pradhan.
Liril Fresh Face season 4 was been judged by panel of judges having Fashion Choreographer Prashant Tamrakar, Former Miss Nepal Malvika Subba and Art Photographer Kishore Kayastha as the jury members. Earlier Ayushma Shreshtha, Shikshya Sangraula and Pramila Thapa were been awarded as the winners of Liril Fresh Face season One, season Two and season Three respectively.
The show was been hosted by Srijal Rupakheti and Shikshya Sangraula winner of Liril Fresh Face season Two. Liril Fresh Face is the campaign run by Liril Soap, a quality product of Unilever Nepal aiming to find the face that can represent the brand.