Biniv and Neha won Mr. and Miss +2 Icon 2021

In the grand finale of Mr. and Miss +2 Icon 2021, Biniv Shrestha and Neha Kumari Ray have been successful to bag the title award of the event. Besides being the winner of the event Biniv also became the winner of the awards called public choice, most smart, most photogenic, and facebook choice. Likewise, Neha was successful in the awards called public choice, most talented, most punctual, and facebook choice.

In the event along with most talented award Rohan Maharjan and along with most photogenic awards Shadikshya Shrestha was chosen as first runner-up. Likewise, along with best dance award Dipesh Pariyar and along with best ramp walk Sabi Shrestha earned second runner-up position. Similarly, Aayusha Dahal along with best speech award was positioned as third runner-up while Harshana Khatiwada along with most stylish award earned fourth runner-up position.

The event showcased under the banner of ANP Media House Pvt. Ltd. was been choreographed by Sumi Baniya and was showcased at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal.