Junior Model World 2020 has been completed finalizing Kavya Khadka and Yunish Khadka as the winners of the event. Yunish was also been chosen as Mister Handsome and Mister Photogenic while Kavya was also successful as Miss Beautiful and Miss Best Dress. The event saw Nishant Surkheti and Rabina Silwal as first runner-ups while Saharsha Adhikari and Shriju Lama completed the event as second runner-ups.
In the event Oshin Maharjan was crowned as the winner in Little Miss category. She was also chosen as Miss Popular. Diya Thakurathi earned the first runner-up position. The winners would now be representing Nepal at International Television Movement of Child creativity in Egypt and Future Fashion faces World being held Turkey.
The event was been showcased by Abhyani Production in association with SPM creation and was coordinated by Simon Pandit. The event was hosted at Music city hall, Balkumari, Lalitpur and was been choreographed by Pawan Acharya.