Nepali Movie SUNTALI acted by Priyanka Karki has been premiered in Kumari Cinema, Kathmandu on 12 of February 2015. The movie is directed by Bhaskar Dhungana and presented by Blue Poppy Films in...
Tag - Bhaskar Dhungana
Priyanka Karki – Suntali Trailer
Official trailer of the film ‘Suntali’ has been released. The film is presented by Blue Poppy Films in association with Quest Entertainment and Digital Cinema Nepal. The film is directed...
Nepali movie ‘Suntali’ to be screened at Busan...
Glamour Nepal, Kathmandu: Nepali movie ‘Suntali’ has been selected for the Busan International Film Festival, one of the largest film festivals in Asia. ‘Suntali’ a movie...