Santosh Sapkota, Ambassador of Royal Kutai Mulawarman, Indonesia in Nepal

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By Rojin Shakya: 

After being honored with around one dozen international recognitions, some of them including ASEAN POLITICS AND BUSINESS TITANS AWARD 2015 (SINGAPORE), GOLDEN PHOENIX AWARD 2015 (MALAYSIA), MARS AWARD 2015 (MALAYSIA), ASIA HONESTY ENTREPRENEUR AWARD 2015 (MALAYSIA), ENO YOUTH AWARD 2015 (MALAYSIA), The grandest honor so far has been conferred to Santosh Sapkota and this time by Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman for his kingdom, an ancient and historic kingdom in Indonesia.

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The title conferred to Mr. Sapkota was Dato’ Paduka Santosh Sapkota which honors him as VVIP and has assigned him with the designation as an Ambassador of Royal Kutai Mulawarman in Nepal. Mr. Sapkota was conferred with the title of Dato’ Paduka on 16th April 2016 at National stadium of Indonesia among the thirty thousand mass. Mr. Sapkota was then given a royal treat with VVIP escort honor back to the Palace of the king where he was handed over with the official certificate of Ambassador of Royal Kutai Mulawarman in Nepal.

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Mr. Santosh Sapkota, the man raised from domestic pageantry to International scene currently holds the position of Chairman and Event Director for E-planet Pvt. Ltd, the official organizer of the international pageants Miss Heritage International, Mrs. Heritage International and Miss Environmental International.