In the finale of Mr. & Miss SEE Icon 2018 Ujjwal Bikram Shahi and Asmina K.C. are been chosen as the winners of the event. Ujjwal also bagged categories called most popular, best walk and most deserving while Asmina took away the award of most iconic eyes.
Likewise in the event Aden Tuladhar Shahi earned first runner-up position while Shruyank Kansakar was positioned as second runner-up. Among the females Nupur Sarkar earned the first runner-up position while Sandhya Benju completed the event as second runner-up.
Similarly Tisha Pakwan ended the event as third runner-up and Niva Shrestha was elected as forth runner-up. The event was been organized by ANP Media house and was showcased at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal.