Onscreen romance between actress Swastima Khadka and debutante Abhisek Nepal has been featured on the fifth installment of ‘Nai Nabhannu La’, directed by Bikash Acharya. Alongside the two...
Tag - Poster and Photos
UTSAV – Movie Poster
Nepali Movie UTSAV Poster | Casts: Saugat Malla, Gaurav Pahari, Prakriti Shrestha, Sanjog Koirala, Menuka Pradhan and Sandip Chhetri | Directed by Kumar Bhattarai | Produced by Shekhar Koirala...
Harshika Shrestha and Vikky Malla On Screen Romance
Harshika Shrestha and Vikky Malla On Screen Romance in Movie ‘Cycle’. The Movie is Directed by Shiva Ghimire and Produced by Rajendra Shrestha. Casts: Harshika Shrestha, Vikky Malla...
12 Nepali Ek Chihan – Movie Posters
Nepali Movie “12 Nepali EK Chihan” Posters. Producer: Sangita Pradhan, Executive Producer: Rabin Shrestha, Co-Producer: Bhaison Berdewa, Rabin Rai, Writer / Director: Arun Pradhan...
Stupid Mann – First Look Poster
A Suva Films Pvt. Ltd. Presents – Nepali Movie ‘Stupid Mann’ Starting with jiwan Luitel, Niraj Baral, Chadani Sharma, Ritu Shrestha… Lyrics written by Dayaram Pandey, Arjun...
Nepali Movie PIPAL Posters
Nepali Movie Pipal Poster. A Presentation of Red Apple Movies – Rajya Lakshmi Kasaju’s Pipal. Story Written, Produced and Directed by Niranjan Kasaju ‘Maila’...
Nepali Movie Lajja Poster | Shilpa Pokhrel, Aryan Sigdel
Nepali Movie Lajja, Starting with Shilpa Pokhrel and Aryan Sigdel. Directed by Nawal Khadka and Produced by Chhabiraj Ojha SUBSCRIBE
Nepali Movie KABADDI Posters
Nepali Movie Kabaddi Posters Starting Dayahang Rai, Nischal Basnet, Rishma Gurung, Rajan Khatiwada, Bijaya Baral, Buddi Tamang, Aruna Karki Pokharel, Sishir Bangdel, Pashupati Rai, Gobinda...
Nepali Movie MUKHAUTA Posters
Nepali Movie MUKHAUTA Posters | Reff Entertainment Presents Nepali Movie ” MUKHAUTA” A Film By Arpan Thapa SUBSCRIBE
Hema Shrestha @ Action Mood
Model and Actress Hema Shrestha’s Action Looks in Nepali Movie Hasiya SUBSCRIBE
Nepali Movie Rahadani Poster
Here Comes Nepali Movie Rahadani First Poster, This Movie is presented by Cinemanaball Etherprises Pvt. Ltd. Production. Cast: Dayahang Rai, Rupa Khanal, Binita Ghimire, Shrijana Subba…...
Movie “SETO BAGH” Shooting Images
Here are some images clicked at Kesharmahal,Kathmandu, Shooting Location of movie “Seto Bagh”. The Movie is Directed by well Known director Nir Shah. “Seto Bagh” is a...
Rekha Thapa and Sabin Shrestha’s Damdaar Pictures
Actress Rekha thapa and Actor Sabin Shrestha featured in Nepali Movie Damdaar. This Movie is produced by Suman Bista and produced under the banner of Sara Film productions, Directed by Kamal Krishna...
Nepali Movie Ritu Photos and Poster
Nepali Movie “RITU” Photos and Posters, Casts: Malina Joshi, Raj Ballav Koirala, Reema Bishwokarma…. Directed by Manoj Adhikari, Produced By Apil Bista SUBSCRIBE
Manle Manlai Chunchha Poster and Photos
Watch these Poster and Photos of Nepali Movie Manale Manlai Chhunchha. The Movie is Produced under the banner of Miracle Media Pvt. Ltd.and Presented by Sunil Shrestha. Actor Biren Shrestha...
Nepali Movie – Tori Lahure Posters and Photos
Nepali Movie ‘Tori Lahure’Posters and Photos | Release date : Falgun 23, 2070 | Director : NB Maharjan | Producer : Dil Kumar Tamang and Roshafi Tamang | Cast : Subas Thapa, Gajit Bista...