The pageant for schoolgoers’ boys and girls named Nepal’s Kids Icon 2022 has been completed. In the finale showcased at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal, Kathmandu, among the junior girls Riya...
Tag - Nepal Kids Icon
Nepal Kids Icon 2019
8th season of Nepal Kids Icon has been completed in Kathmandu. Hosted at Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal, the event saw Sampada Pariyar as the winner in junior girl’s group. In this category Kalpita...
Mr. and Miss Kids Icon Nepal 2019 completes
Mr. and Miss Kids Icon Nepal 2019 has recently completed in Kathmandu. The event showcased under the banner of Sunshine production house, Ekta Giri has bagged the title award from Group A while...
Alina crowned as SLC Icon, Jenush & Pratik are Nepal Kids...
Yet another SLC Pageant was showcased on 23rd of Asar 2072. The event saw 12 teenage girls challenging each other to prove themselves as Miss SLC Icon 2015. Finally at the end of the event Alina...