Film production company Tree-City, headed by Nakim Uddin has announced its debut production ‘The Man from Kathmandu’. The film is directed by the Hollywood-based director Pema Dhondup...
Tag - Anna Sharma
Nepali Movie – Gangster Blues | Ashirman Deshraj Anna...
Gangster Blues is a Nepali movie featuring Ashirman Deshraj and Anna Sharma in lead roles directed by Hemraj BC. The movie revolves around A Story Behind every Gangster and a Gangster in every human...
Nepali Full Movie JERRYY | Anmol kc, Anna Sharma
Super Hit Nepali Full Movie JERRYY has been released on You Tube, Now available to watch online in HD Format. The blockbuster movie is posted on You Tube by it’s authorized You Tube Channel OSR...
JERRYY continues impressive run, earns over 2 crore
Glamour Nepal, The business of Nepali films is heightening. As around a half dozen films that were released this year made good income, a message has been sent out that a good film definitely makes...
Anmol KC’s craze help JERRY to make aggressive collection
Glamour Nepal, Kathmandu, Even after the release, the film ‘Jerryy’ has maintained the hype it received before hitting the screen. Younger generation has thronged to watch the movie that...
Anmol kc’s JERRYY 1st show with Celebrities and Media
Watch! Anmol kc’s JERRYY first show with Celebrities and Media in Pictures. Hemraj BC Directorial movie JERRY features Anmol kc, Anna Sharma, Amaliya Sharma…. Now Showing all over Nepal...
Anmol KC’s Jerryy makes cry to Melina Manandhar
Glamour Nepal, Kathmandu Chocolate hero Anmol KC is too hopeful from his upcoming film ‘Jerryy’. Not only Anmol, his father Bhuvan KC has also geared up to promote the film. Now, there...
Adrishya Vhawana… Naren Limbu | OST Jerryy
Watch! New video song from the movie JERRY, titled ‘Adrishya Vhawana…” lyric written, music composed and vocal performed by Naren Limbu. The film is directed by Hemraj bc, Produce...
Joyful snippets at Jerryy’s press conference
Glamour Nepal, Kathmandu Anna and Amaliya Sharma are daughters of Miss Nepal choreographer Rachana Gurung Sharma. Since childhood, Ana dreamed of acting in movies. Her dream has now come true...
JERRYY – Press Meet Pictures | Anmol kc
Nepali movie JERRYY production team organized a press meet program in capital to release video song and trailer. The movie is directed by Hemraj BC features Anmol kc, Anna Sharma, features Anmol KC...
Vanana… Naren Limbu | Jerryy
Watch A New Video Song VANANA… From most awaited Nepali Movie JERRYY Revealed publicly on you tube by Falcon Pictures. The Club Mix Song VANANA… Written, Music Composed and Vocal...
K Yo Maya Ho… OST Jerryy
A presentation of Falcone Pictures Nepali Movie JERRYY revealed another Original Sound Track / video song ‘Ke yo Maya ho…’ Song written, music composed and vocal performed by...
Anmol kc’s Jerry to be released on Nov 14
Glamour Nepal, Kathmandu, The film ‘Jerry’ acted by Anmol KC, son of superstar Bhuvan KC, who grabbed limelight after acting in film Hostel, is scheduled to be released on November 14...
Jerryy Official Trailer | Anmol KC, Anna Sharma, Amalia Sharma
Nepali Movie JERRYY a presentation of Falcone Pictures. The movie just released another official trailer on you tube. Featuring Anmol KC, Anna Sharma, Amalia Sharma, Abhishek Man...
Jerry Teaser Release | Anmol KC, Anna Sharma
A Presentation of Falcone Pictures, Nepali Movie JERRY. Teaser released on 11 September 2014. Anmol KC, Anna Sharma, Amalia Sharma, Abhishek Man Sherchan are featured in the movie. The movie is...