BABU KANCHHA is Nepali movie produced and directed by Sovit Basnet featuring Salon Basnet and Karishma Shrestha in Lead Roles. The movie presented by Salon Salina Film Presents also casts Ritik Sahi...
Tag - Karishma Shrestha
Babu Kanchha: Salon Basnet and Karishma Shrestha working...
A new Nepali movie BABU KANCHHA has been recently announced amid the press meet in Kathmandu. a new directorial movie of Shovit Basnet is currently in the floor. BABU KANCHHA features Salon Basnet...
Nepali Movie LUV SUB song Suna Suna…
Watch Here, a video song Suna Suna.. from Nepali Movie LUV SUB. Vocal performed by Shiva Bajgai, lyrics and music composed by Sujil Karmacharya, choreographed by Ramjee...
Nepali Movie “LUVसब” Trailer Unveiled
A Trailer of Nepali movie “LUVसब” has been released on you tube and scheduled to hit the screen all over Nepal on 11th of August 2015 (25th of Bhadra 2072). The movie is...
LUV SAB Nepali Movie Song ‘Maile Kina Dekhna Nahune…
A love song “Maile Kina Dekhna Nahune…” from the movie LUV SAB released, Featuring Samyam puri, Salon Basnet, Karishma Amatya… The film is directed by Dev Kumar Shrestha...